Practice Information
Kathleen McFarlane Profiled in “Sydney Morning Herald”

Exciting news! Our own Kathleen McFarlane was recently interviewed for a profile in the Sydney Morning Herald. In the piece, titled “The journey from financing to naturopathy,” our Naturopath discusses how and why she made the change from investment banking to naturopathy. In addition to sharing an anecdote about a […]
Read MoreHow Can a Naturopath Help with Bloating?

This is Part 2 of our blog series on bloating. You can view the first part on the causes of bloating here. First of all, it is important to identify the underlying cause. A Naturopath will take the time to a complete a full case history to understand the jigsaw […]
Read MoreHow can a Naturopath aid athletic performance ?

Whether I am supporting a professional athlete, a lawyer who likes to run marathons, or a student training for the 100km Oxfam trail event, my naturopathic treatment aims are the same – Optimise energy and limit post-event fatigue. Ensure optimal nutritional status and support increased metabolic demand. Aid tissue repair […]
Read MoreSydney Naturopath Explains How to Prevent Insomnia with Natural Remedies

Kathleen McFarlane of Sydney Naturopathy discusses how herbal medicine, nutrition, and simple lifestyle changes can help fight insomnia and restore a healthy, peaceful sleep cycle. Sydney, AU – According to Sydney naturopath Kathleen McFarlane, individuals dealing with insomnia might have trouble falling asleep, staying asleep, or obtaining a deep enough […]
Read MoreFertility and Pregnancy: Sydney Naturopath Explains How Natural Solutions Can Help

Kathleen McFarlane supports her fertility patients’ reproductive health by examining hormone levels, lifestyle practices, and environmental factors that might impact a woman’s ability to conceive. Sydney, AU – At Kathleen McFarlane’s Sydney naturopathy practice, she uses herbal and nutritional medicine in combination with lifestyle modifications to assist patients with a […]
Read MoreHow Can A Woman Improve Her Chances For Successful Conception?

In parts one and two of our three-part blog series, Kathleen McFarlane explained what types of fertility patients she helps most frequently, as well as what her approach is. In this final installment, she discusses factors that can affect your ability to conceive: Some of the factors that affect a […]
Read MoreNaturopathic Techniques To Evaluate Fertility

Last week, in a blog post titled, Who Can Benefit From Fertility Support Through Naturopathy?, Kathleen McFarlane explains the types of patients she sees for naturopathic support for conception. In part two of our three-part series, she discusses her process for pre conception care and fertility support: When fertility patients […]
Read MoreWho Can Benefit From Fertility Support Through Naturopathy?

In my Naturopathic clinic I see a variety of women and men seeking help to boost their fertility. My most common fertility patient is a woman or couple who have recently decided they would like to have a baby and are looking for support to ensure they are in the […]
Read MoreWhat you should know about protein powder

Protein is a vital macronutrient required by the human body for tissue building and repair. It is also involved in many other functions such as hormone synthesis, immune regulation as well as energy production. Ideally we should aim to consume some form of protein at every meal (approximately 1/3 of […]
Read MoreIs all that screen time really healthy for our kids ?

In the past 5 years, our use of electronic screens has skyrocketed. Estimates are that primary school children are exposed to up to 7 hours a day in front of a screen eg computer, IPAD, TV, IPHONE, game player. This compares to basically none 50 years ago. Children often engage […]
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