Common Misconceptions about Poly Cystic Ovarian Syndrome (PCOS)

As mentioned in my previous blog, PCOS is highly prevalent, with between 9-18 percent of the female population being diagnosed with it, depending on the criteria used. There is growing debate as to whether this statistic represents the real level and it is increasingly evident that more research is needed […]
Read MoreA Holistic Approach to Treating Poly Cystic Ovarian Syndrome (PCOS)

Diagnosed with PCOS? What does it mean in simple terms and is there an option other than the Contraceptive pill and Metformin? PCOS stands for Poly Cystic Ovarian Syndrome and is the most common endocrine disorder in women. It occurs in 5% to 15% of women (depending on the criteria […]
Read MoreMiscarriage – what can Naturopathy offer?

Miscarriage is a devastating blow to any couple trying to have a baby. The emotional toll is high, as those involved struggle through the various stages of grief. Sadly, many couples suffer through multiple miscarriages, leaving them angry, anxious, and fearful with a sense of no control and no answers. […]
Read MoreNaturopathy’s Role in Supporting In Vitro Fertilisation

Can Naturopathy support the IVF process? Assisted reproductive technologies, like IVF, assist the physical interaction between a viable egg and sperm and then introduce the fertilised embryo into the uterus with the hope of a resulting pregnancy. It is usually a lengthy, emotional, and costly last resort for couples who […]
Read MoreDiet and Endocrine Disrupting Chemicals on the Thyroid

Update on the role of diet and endocrine disrupting chemicals on the thyroid. Thyroid dysfunction is on the increase and unfortunately is not always picked up with standard pathology testing that looks at TSH, T3 and T4. Often these primary parameters are within limits on serum testing but patients exhibit […]
Read MoreKathleen McFarlane Profiled in “Sydney Morning Herald”

Exciting news! Our own Kathleen McFarlane was recently interviewed for a profile in the Sydney Morning Herald. In the piece, titled “The journey from financing to naturopathy,” our Naturopath discusses how and why she made the change from investment banking to naturopathy. In addition to sharing an anecdote about a […]
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